A word from a 20-year-old entrepreneur: What does it mean to be a true HUSTLER?

Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
6 min readJan 18, 2019


This is solely for the purpose of featured image. Damn, Medium.

Hey there! 👋

First things first: This is not your regular motivational article.

I don’t believe in motivation. And neither should you if you consider yourself a true hustler. 👷

I believe in consistency and discipline. Because it reflects long-term.

Short-term is for pussies. Don’t excuse the language, because I really mean it. 🤭

You want to be successful? Take that long road full of ups and downs and be ready to face failures.

Hey, don’t take it from me. Take it from Robert Kiyosaki, one of the world’s richest businessmen and most successful real-estate investors:

‘Success is a poor teacher. We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. You cannot have success without failure.”

Well said, Robert. 👏

Now go. Fail. And fail again. But don’t forget to learn in the process as well.

Not-so-usual life story

Anyway, my name is Aleksandar, and I’m a 20 year-old growing entrepreneur and growth hacker from Belgrade, Serbia. 🇷🇸

Yup, that’s me. I look really confident, don’t I?

I’m also building a SaaS startup together with a team of awesome, like-minded, diligent and smart people.

Oh yeah, I also do a little bit of cryptocurrency trading and bootstrapping a couple of smaller projects.

FML. 🤦‍♂

I also work out and lift a lot of weight. I don’t consider myself too healthy (I’ve got a couple of bad habits), but I’m feeling rather perfect. 🤘

Get (Sh)it Done!

Why do I consider myself an entrepreneur? Let’s get straight to the point:

  • Because I’ve decided to ditch the traditional system of going to college, having a 9–5 job, waiting for a paycheck every month and working most of my life just to get the pension. 🤮
  • Because I decided to be unique and have guts to chase my dreams from a very early stage of my life. (Had my first freelance job as a 16-year-old kid, and started learning about entrepreneurship and leadership as a teenager.) 👔
  • Because I enjoy doing things most people are afraid to. (For example, moving away from parents in twenties.) 👶 👪
  • Because I believe in things most people don’t: having clear goals and vision on how to achieve them. But I also believe in hard work and true meaning of knowledge and experience (not the shitty kind you get in school or college). 💩
  • Because I’ve succeeded in altering my subconscious towards a productive, practical and creative way of thinking. Which overall leads to a winning mindset. 🕶

What do I actually do for a living?

As I’ve already mentioned, my primary occupation is Growth Hacking in a startup called Infinity.

With Infinity, we aim to make the greatest, most flexible and powerful productivity tool ever. 🚀

We’ve launched the Early Beta Version back in November 2018, and we’ve had very decent results since the very beginning of the release.

A total of ~10K visits since November 1st

Infinity is just about to end its Early Beta/Freemium version and enter Full Live Product in the next few weeks/months.

And the goal of our Growth team is to increase our site traffic drastically and reach MRR until April 1st.

Exciting, right? 👻

As you can see, I’m dedicated to boosting every possible metric for this particular product (including marketing results, but also revenue, sales, etc.)

And I love it! 😍

Really, growth hacking is fucking awesome.

Although it’s very challenging, you find out a lot of stuff every day and you have the freedom to do basically whatever you want (and say you’re ‘testing’ things). 😝

You can also get obsessed with statistics and numbers, but most importantly be creative with your ideas and combine a lot of different skills.

Here’s a piece of advice: The most important thing about doing growth is to stay on track.

Growth Hacking is all about details and implementing different strategies.

If you stay a week or two behind the trend, a competitor’s strategy or a certain channel’s algorithm, you’re dead. It’s just not gunna happen, bruh. ❌

I do that by constantly spending time networking with relevant, successful people, as well as reading new case studies, articles and e-books every single day. 📚

You can’t go wrong with Josh Fechter
Kudos to Mr. Jeff Deutsch

My #2 source of income would be cryptocurrency trading.

For that one, I have to thank the journey I’ve completed whilst working for a crypto-gaming company called GameCredits.

During the time I worked for GameCredits, I met a lot of really smart, talented and inventive people who helped me learn more about the blockchain technology, but also cryptocurrencies overall.

If you’re reading this: many thanks to Jack, Dragan, Nikola, Filip, Uros and a lot more.

#TBT 2017

And my #3 asset right now (which is still not not profitable) is a smaller project I’m bootstrapping with a couple of close friends. There are currently a couple of projects on hold as well, but we’ll handle that later. 🐜

The Takeaway

Starting to see what it means to be a true hustler and entrepreneur? 🤔

I won’t make this pretty:

  • It means having to give up some of the regular activities people around are doing.
  • It means having to go against your needs and satisfaction (but not forever, though). Don’t EVER give up. No matter how hard it gets. Don’t you dare.
  • It means having to give up a lot of your free time.
  • It means having to learn every freakin’ day.
  • It means having to be consistent and hard-working.
  • It means having to be flexible/ready for change at any time.

But it also means being among the 5% of people in this world. The best kind of people, if you ask me.

Those who’ve created their own world. Full of accomplished dreams, healthy habits, true happy faces and positive mindsets.

For me, being an entrepreneur means spending every damn minute growing (both physically and mentally 🙄), but also thinking about the things going on in your life: your goals, responsibilities, promises, assets, liabilities, and more.

Define your goals. Start describing them in processes. Work immediately towards those goals. Work really hard: HUSTLE. Whatever it takes. Visualize your success. Plan. Don’t waste time. Never settle for average. And listen only to yourself.

But don’t forget to spend some time getting to know yourself and exploring your passion. 🔥

Oops. Seems like it was a bit motivational, after all. 🤓

Thanks for sticking by!

You can find me posting here, here, and here, as well. Cheers! 🙌

